Sticky Order #
An advanced order that stays at the top of the book (until the optional limit). The order will automatically stick to the best BBO until the complete amount has been filled.
- implement fallback for when this order is alone at the top, some spread before everyone else
- finalize API
- add more events / ways to debug
- pull ticker data out of this order market data should flow from the broker (so we can easier move to at least public websocket streams).
Example usage #
const Broker = require('gekko-broker');
const gdax = new Broker({
currency: 'EUR',
asset: 'BTC',
exchange: 'gdax',
// Enables access to private endpoints.
// Needed to create orders and fetch portfolio
private: true,
key: 'x',
secret: 'y',
passphrase: 'z'
const type = 'sticky';
const amount = 0.5;
const side = 'buy';
const limit = 6555;
const order = gdax.createOrder(type, side, amount, { limit });
order.on('statusChange', status => console.log(status));
order.on('filled', result => console.log(result));
order.on('completed', () => {
order.createSummary(summary => console.log)
// mutate like so
// order.moveAmount(1);
// order.moveLimit(6666);