BudFox #
Similar to the movie Wallstreet), Gekko delegates the dirty work of getting fresh data to Bud Fox. Bud Fox delivers the data to Gekko who uses this data to make investment decisions.
Whenever Gekko works with realtime market data, it spawns a BudFox to fetch and transform the data for every market (exchange + asset + pair, for example: bitstamp USD/BTC
). Bud Fox will keep on fetching data from the market in semi-realtime, turn historical trades into minutely candles (and make sure every minute of data has a candle).
BudFox exposes a stream of candles
which are fed to Gekko.
Advanced Usage #
BudFox is a small part of Gekko's core that aggregates realtime market data from any supported exchange into a readable stream of candles. Example usage:
var config = {
exchange: 'Bitstamp',
currency: 'USD',
asset: 'BTC'
new BudFox(config)
// convert JS objects to JSON string
.pipe(new require('stringify-stream')())
// output to standard out
// etc..