This project is not maintained anymore.

After many years of working on Gekko, I’ve decided to stop my involvement in maintaining this project. You can read more about this decision on medium.

I’m now putting all my focus on my new prop trading firm Folkvang. You can find an article about that here on Coindesk.

If you’re interested in following this new journey, feel free to add me on Twitter.

Best of luck to everyone in their trading. So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Fork me on GitHub

Installing Gekko on Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 #

This manual is intended for a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with freshly installed Raspbian Stretch (Lite).

To get Gekko running on your Pi you need to do the following:

Update your package lists #

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Installing nodejs #

We recommend installing the latest LTS Version of Node, currently 8.x.x

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Important: Ignore the errors! => It automatically builds from source instead, it can take over 10 minutes! Do not abort the process

Downloading Gekko #

The recommended way of downloading Gekko is by using git. This makes keeping Gekko up to date a lot easier. Run this in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install git
git clone git:// -b stable
cd gekko

This will download the latest stable version of Gekko, remove the final -b stable part to download the current latest release (which might not be as stable).

Installing Gekko's dependencies #

Once you have Gekko downloaded you need to install the dependencies, open your terminal and navigate to the gekko folder and run:

npm install --only=production
cd exchange
npm install --only=production
cd ..

Configure your Pi as a headless server #

cd web/vue/dist
nano UIconfig.js

Set headless to true

Set to

Set to Pi's IP address (e.g.

Starting Gekko #

After all the above you can start Gekko by running the following in your terminal:

node gekko --ui

Open your browser and type in Pi's IP:port (default port: 3000)

Updating Gekko #

See the updating Gekko doc.

Run gekko in background #

If you access Pi headless via SSH, you have to use a software like tmux to run Gekko in background

Installing Gekko on Raspberry Pi 1 #

It is possible to run Gekko on Raspberry Pi 1, but you have to manually install Nodejs armv6 version